Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wonderful Hot Springs

We slept late today. After a light breakfast we headed down Chena Hot Springs Rd to check out a place where we saw an RV parked on the bank next to the Chena River. Thought we might go there tomorrow and spend a night. We found the place and there was room, but we’d be really close to the other people so we decided to pass.

Today we wanted to fish so we went to check out other places along the river. We turned down a side road between Mile marker 44 & 45 that led right out to the river’s edge and parked on the gravel bank. We fished from shore for a couple hours always keeping an eye on the tree line. Ken caught 4 Grayling and I caught 1. The Grayling are small fish but they are fun to catch.

About 2:30 we drove back to camp. On the way out the dirt road leading from the river we drove through a beautiful stand of birch trees. Growing among the trees were pink wild roses and it looked really peaceful. Sometimes the natural beauty would just make us stop and go WOW!

After lunch we walked to the spa. We followed a boardwalk that led into a pool fed by the hot springs with a smooth rock bottom. The water was so warm and the pool was surrounded with beautiful mountain views . We sat under the waterfall enjoying the rush of hot water cascading over us. After a while we lounged in chairs set in the water along the side of the pool and relaxed. Many come here in the winter to lounge in the hot springs surrounded by a blanket of snow while watching the Northern Lights.

Later we went to the restaurant and had wonderful salads for dinner. The hot springs is about 60 miles from Fairbanks and makes a great side trip.

Back at home we figured out where we want to go tomorrow. We have about 23 hours of day light now and I could see the sun at midnight last night. No problems sleeping yet!

It was a wonderful day.

Pictures: Fishing the Chena River, Stand of birches and wild roses

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