Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ring of Fire

Woke up to sun! Ken did laundry and I washed the floor and blogged. It was cool and windy on the bluff but with the screen door open inside was cozy with a great view across the Inlet. I kept checking the mountains across the Inlet, but unfortunately they are still hard to see.

The mountains are part of what is known as the ‘Ring of Fire’. Within the north-south spine of the Chigmit Mountains are five active peaks. Mount Spurr, 11,070 ft, last erupted in 1992, Mount Redoubt is part of this chain, and directly across from the campground is Mount Iliamna, 10,016 ft surrounded by glaciers. Mount Augustine and Mount Douglas complete this eruptive chain. We do hope we’ll have a clear day so we can see them.

Ken & our neighbor Mike decided to go to Centennial Park fishing, This gave us each a day to ourselves. I did some reading and finally finished the first book in the Twilight Saga. It was good and I could visualize the area because we traveled through Forks, Washington on our way to Alaska. Having a day like this was good for both of us.

After the guys got back we had cocktails outside.

Our new kayaks arrived and we packed them into the jeep. We still have quite a bit of room! We stored the extra inflatable seats and oars under the bed.

After dinner we watched TV and got ready to leave tomorrow.

It was a good day.

Photos: Mt Redoubt Volcano across Cook Inlet, View across the inlet from camp.

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