Tuesday, May 18, 2010

St Therese - Peace and Serenity

Today we packed a picnic and took Glacier Highway to “the end of the road” (where else…) The highway runs from Juneau 40 miles along the Gastineau Channel to Echo Cove where it ends. We used our “Milepost” book as it gave a mile by mile description of the route. Once we passed the village of Auke Bay we were out of the city but not in back country. There are many residences as we follow the road along the channel to our left and forested hills on our right. Coming over a rise we got our first glimpse of the Chilkat Mountain Range across the Saginaw Channel. It’s spectacular. These are high peaked mountains and they are blanketed with snow. We stopped at a pull off and then continued on.

Our 1st stop was the Shrine of St Therese. As we turned into the parking lot we weren't really sure what was here other than a chapel. We parked and followed a gravel path along the coastline through blooming spring gardens. There were 3 circular gardens and the rock wall in each held bronze plaques with the Stations of the Cross - it was very spiritual and peaceful here. We sat on a marble bench at the end of the path looking out on the water and mountains and just appreciated the serenity. It was really emotional.

From the garden we followed another path which took us out to an island with an amazing stone chapel. The shrine serves as a retreat and has small cabins, a pretty prayer labyrinth made of stones, and a memorial garden. The shrine is a very beautiful place.

Moving up the road we drove several loop roads that took us to small marinas and then back to the highway. Driving through Eagle Harbor Recreation Area there were several groups of elementary school kids having classes with the forest rangers. At another turnout we watched a couple of humpback whales blowing and flapping in the channel. As we turned into another recreation area there was someone fishing the Peterson Creek. This is the 1st fisherman we’ve seen. Driving through the marina at Eagle Beach we saw what we thought was a Woodpecker, but we didn‘t know what kind. Coming to the end of the road we saw another car stopped in the road - which usually means ‘animal sighting’. The driver told us there was a Black Bear on our side of the road in the trees, but we never saw him.

We found Echo Cove and sat on the point to enjoy the view. Seeing the bear so close and we wanted to picnic we decided to go back to one of the recreation areas we had passed earlier. Back up the road we pulled into a pull off next to the water watching whales, seals, and mountains.

Back at camp we cooked more of the shrimp we got in Petersburg. It was a nice day.

Pictures:Chilkat Mountains, Along Glacier Highway, Path at St Therese, Shrine Garden, View from shrine garden, Chapel, Inside chaple, Prayer Labrynth

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