On the way past camp we dropped everything off and headed for the 3 Lakes Loop Road at Mile Post 20.6. This is another USFS Road #6235 and leads into the rugged wilderness. We traveled into the forest. Ken said he wouldn't want to get lost here because it's a really tough terrain with down trees and old growth. We passed a number of hiking trails around lakes, but weren't too comforable walking them. Most were 1/2 to 1 mile, but we saw 'bear sign' and we don't have any weapons but our walking sticks. We'd rather be safe than sorry. 3 Lakes Road winds around muskeg and over rivers and then through 3 Lakes Recreation Area made up of Sand Lake, Shelter Lake, and Hill Lake. They are fairly small.
We turned onto Road 6232 (Canyon Creek Rd) which led to the Le Conte Glacier overlook. As we reached the picnic area there was another couple there so we continued up the narrow winding gravel road. Curving up the side of the mountain we had beautiful mountain views across the Frederic Sound. The road got narrower and rougher and then headed steeply up - we turned around. As we got back to the overlook it was empty - yea! We took out our picnic bag and set up for lunch. Looking through the binoculas we could see part of the glacier and what we thought was snow along the shore in the distance. The snow was actually ice bergs floating in the sound! It was surreal and exciting to see them.
We left and drove back to camp. Ken cooked Halibut steaks on the grill and they were yummy. Later we watched a movie and went to bed.
Another great day.
Pictures: Forest Rd 6235, Canyon Creek Rd, La Conte Glacier Overlook (2), Lunch at the overlook
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