Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Inside Passage Meets Northern Mainland

Good Morning! We woke up about 9:30am to a fantastic mountain view out our front window. Our site is located right on Portage cove with the Chilkoot Mountains in front of us and the Chilkat Mountains behind us. Today is settle in day. We took a tour of town to get our bearings and had breakfast at the Chilkat Bakery. This place is just picturesque! The building was originally part of a construction camp. Today it's long white porch with gorgeous hanging baskets of bergonias welcome you. Inside the country curtains and small round tables bring a homy comfort. It was a great start to our first day.

Haines is a small town with a stunning landscape built in the path of glaciers. It is situated at the upper end of North America's longest and deepest fjord.

Strolling the scenic main street errands were next on our to do list - a stop at the Hair Shop for cuts, the Butcher Shop for a nice steak and the grocery store. Lastly was the Visitor Center where I picked up enough reading material for the next 6 months! We have to decide now what tours we want to take.

We found a little blue shack called the Hungry Moose with good burgers and great ice cream. We had lunch and shared a picnic table with a local woman and 3 kids from town. She was a school teacher originally from Minnesota. We learned some local history from her and talked about what brought her to Haines. This will 'Moose' will become a favorite while we're here.

Back at camp we put our chairs on the edge of the cove and relaxed. There are 4 beautiful Blue Herons perched on rocks along the water below us. It has been breezy all day and that's good because it keeps the mosquitos down! - Yes they are out and they are BIG.

It was hot today and the first day without long sleeves and jackets! We moseyed down to the office and talked with Joyce about various tours. She helped us out and was nice enough to book a couple for us.

Clouds started to gather over the cove and it looked like we could have rain. The scenery here is spectacular and we haven't left the RV park yet.

While we're here we'll be getting ready for the road portion of our trip. We can re-stock the fridge and freezer now that we're off the ferry system.

Still tired from our late arrival we called it a day.

Pictures: View of cove from our site, Main Street view, The Blue Moose, Haines Harbor

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