Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fun in Juneau

Another beautiful day. We hung out at camp doing some of our maintenance chores and bills. We had lunch in our little gazebo and Ken read for a while and I planned our side strip to Sitka. About 3PM we went to Jerry’s Seafood & Meat Packing to get some fresh fish. The deckhand on our Tracy Arm tour told us about this place. We got fresh Halibut Cheeks - which are suppose to be the best part, homemade salami, Spot Prawns, and crab dip. Now we have enough to hold us for a while!

After putting the fish in the fridge we headed into Juneau’s historic downtown. Here we joined the rest of the folks from the 4 cruise ships that are docked today. The place looks like a shopping mall 2 days before Christmas! We found a corner table on the “Flight Deck” over looking the docks and had a local beer and people watched. We met a couple from Orlando who were cruising and talked for a while. While we were on the dock several float planes landed and pulled up to the docks to load people for tours.

Leaving the deck we walked up S. Franklin St. past the gift, jewelry, and T-shirt shops. Wandering through several shops we saw lots of beautiful art work made out of soapstone and mammoth bone. Some how we were able to refrain from purchasing them.

Soon it was time for dinner so off to the famous Red Dog Saloon. This is a landmark so we couldn’t miss it. Entering through the swinging bar doors we were standing on an old sawdust floor with bar tables, stools, and packed with people. A guy was sitting up front singing old standards (40’s,50’s, 60’s). We found a table, ordered beers and Ninilchick Sandwiches (salmon & cole slaw in a wrap). We were the only ones eating and were a little nervous until we remembered all these folks were on ships and didn’t need to eat! While eating we met a couple from Pensacola who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They were fun.

After a while we roamed the shops some more. Our last stop was Merchants Mall for ice cream and then sat in Marine Park watching folks return from their tours. It was time to go.

Back at camp we got ready for our trip tomorrow, watched TV and called it a day.

Pictures: (right to left) - Our Spruce Meadow site, Camp gazebo, Juneau cruise ships, Red Dog Saloon, Downtown Juneau, Tram Car over Juneau

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