Sunday, May 9, 2010

Arriving in Petersburg

Off to breakfast at the Double C and then back to camp. We'll hang out and get ready to go to Petersburg this afternoon. I worked on the blog and Ken washed the coach and jeep.

Later a red pick up truck pulled up and Bob got out and introduced himself. He and his wife live down on the beach and had been trying to catch us all week. They wanted to invite us down to watch eagles from their porch. Bob was very nice and unfortunately we couldn't get together.

Capt'n Jim came by with his wife Wilma. We talked for a while and Ken offered to water the rasberry bushes before we left.

Just as we were packing up "Jim" came by with his wife Lisa in their 4 wheel drive 'Starfire' RV. This is quite the RV! It was very roomy and they have put in lots of work to make it homey. They had been out camping all weekend. We gave a tour of our coach and then we said goodbye.

We got to the ferry about 3pm and got lined up. Ken even gave a tour of the coach to the security officier. He causes quite a stir with the crews and ferry people. What a pretty ride even though it was raining. The Matanuska sailed out of the Wrangell Narrows and around Zaremto Island. We took a walk around the deck and up to the solarium. There were many tents tied down and blowing in the wind. Several young people where taping the edges with duct tape so they wouldn't blow away. There have been lots of sun holes with the rays filtering through on our 3 hr ride and a really faint rainbow. The trip went really fast as the ship passed many islands.

We hated to say goodbye to Wrangell but we have so much more to see. It made us think of a quote, by Henry Gannet of the Harriman Expedition (1899), from the Wrangel Museum -

"There is one word of advice to be given those intending to visit Alaska for pleasure, for sightseeing. If you are old, go by all means. But if you are young, wait. The scenery of Alaska is much grander than anything else of the kind in the world, and it is not well to dull one’s capacity for enjoyment by seeing the finest first.”

Getting closer to Petersburg we began to see camps and houses along the narrows as we sailed along Mitkof Island. Jagged peaked snow capped mountains appeard above the tree tops. We pulled in to the ferry terminal and unloaded. Off down the Mitkof Highway about 10 miles to The Trees RV Park. We are back in the Tongass National Forest again, but we have hookups in this park. It was about 8:30pm as we got into our site and relaxed.

It was a nice day and we just might return to Wrangell for a Telegraph Creek trip with Capt'n Jim.

Pictures: Tents in the solarium deck, Sailing through the narrows, Sunbeams over the mountains, Approaching Petersburg (2), Arriving in Petersburg

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